Catherine Noble » PLTW Automation and Robotics 8 - Supply List

PLTW Automation and Robotics 8 - Supply List

(Scholars will need something to write with and write on the first week. The remaining supplies will be needed starting week 2)

 Personal Supplies: All of these supplies will be used in class but will belong to your scholar. 

Pocket Folder 

Spiral Notebook



Clear Plastic Ruler 

Small Hot Glue Gun / Hot glue sticks 

Clear Plastic Safety Goggles

Please purchase the following supplies based on your last name. These will be used for classroom use. 

A-E - Assorted Color Sharpies and Clorox Wipes 

G-L - Sandwich Ziplock Bags and Tissues 

M-R - Quart Ziplock Bags and Clorox Wipes 

S-Z - Gallon Ziplock Bags and Tissues