Mrs. Jessica Del Curto » Career Pathways

Career Pathways

Career Pathways is a class that gives students a chance to figure out who and what they want to be in life, and how they hope to get there. High school (and life in general) can be difficult to navigate through, and hopefully this class will give you a space to explore some of the following questions:
  • Who am I?
  • What do I want from school?
  • What do I want from life?
  • How do I plan to get there?
  • What traits do I have that will help me attain my school and life goals?
  • What attitudes, skills, and knowledge will I need to develop to attain my school and life goals?
In Career Pathways, we will be using the Naviance system to create online portfolios, take career interest surveys, set up four-year plans, build a resume, apply for jobs, research colleges and scholarships, etc. We will discuss study tips, test-taking prep, and we may even throw in some stretching and movement at the start of each class to get your blood moving. I will be facilitating your SLATE meetings each semester, and any important schoolwide documents will be passed out through CP. 
Supply List:
  • USB Drive (purchase one specifically for Career Pathways; you will take it with you throughout the rest of your high school career, and save all of your SLATE information on it.)
  • Agenda (this is not required, but can be a helpful tool for organization)