Frequently Asked Questions
We know you may have some additional questions about The ASK Academy. We’ve compiled some of the most-asked questions of our office staff and provided them here for you, for your convenience. So whether you’re looking for information about our academy dress code or lunch policies, we think you’ll find what you’re looking for here. If you still have questions, please contact us!
Is there a dress code?
We expect all scholars to wear a prescribed uniform. ASK is a STEM institution, and the academy is a pipeline for STEM careers and educational programs. As such, we require students to dress for success to improve the learning environment and teach our scholars about the importance of making good first impressions in these professional fields and careers. Below are general guidelines for the academy uniform. For more detailed information, visit the Quick Links on the Home page.
Tops: All scholars must wear an ASK polo, with the ASK logo, purchased from the sole ASK vendor that identifies them with the career pathway they participate in.
Middle School: Red or light blue
High School:
- Engineering & Design: Royal blue or burgundy
- Biomedical Science: Green or purple
- Khaki or black pants/slacks
- Inseam of pants must fall where legs and torso join
- No shorts, skorts, skirts, spandex or spandex materials, yoga pants, leggings, sweat pants, cargo, or blue jeans
- Form-fitting pants or slacks are not allowed
What grades does The ASK Academy serve?
The ASK Academy serves scholars in sixth through twelfth grades.
Does The ASK Academy offer hot lunch for my child?
The ASK Academy does not have a hot lunch program. We encourage our scholars to bring nutritious lunches from home that incorporate the main food groups. High school scholars have the option to walk off campus with a signed Off-Campus Lunch Permission Form. Those with a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance, and a signed Hold Harmless Agreement to Drive Off-Campus form may drive off campus for lunch. Scholars may not transport any other scholars in their vehicles. Students who leave for lunch without having the necessary paperwork are subject to disciplinary action by the administration.
Parents are an integral part of each scholar’s education, and research shows that the more parents are involved in the academic life of high school scholars, the more likely they are to succeed. We expect parents to be involved in their children’s education through home-school communication and participating in our regularly scheduled Celebrations of Learning. We also encourage parents to volunteer 20 hours per academic year, which helps to contribute to the educational success of all ASK scholars.
We are happy to welcome parents and guardians onto our campus to volunteer or visit. All visitors must sign in and out through the main office. Please be sure to discuss your visit with the general manager to arrange an appropriate time for your visit.
Enrollment at ASK is on a lottery system that begins on February 1 of each academic year. For more information about how to enter your child in the lottery, visit our Admissions page.
Do you offer distance learning?
The ASK Academy strives to provide high quality education for all scholars and uses and develops 21st Century teaching and learning skills. The general manager or his/her designee can establish distance learning for a scholar to provide instruction for credit when the scholar and primary instructor are not necessarily physically present at the same time or place. Students who enroll in a distance learning program must have the necessary technology for all classes or activities. For more information about distance learning, read the Scholar-Parent Handbook located in the Quick Links on our Home page.