Mrs. Stephanie Davis » Mrs. Davis - Home

Mrs. Davis - Home

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!
Thank you for visiting my website.  
About me:  I have 17 years of formal classroom teaching experience, but I've been teaching science for the last 22 years in a variety of formats.  I have taught students ranging from 6 to 18 years old and sciences ranging from an elementary STEAM elective to high school chemistry.  I love spending time with my family and being outside.  I enjoy fishing, camping, hiking, gardening and loving on my animals.  This is my fourth year at ASK and I'm excited to be teaching the Flight and Space, and Medical Detectives classes for 7th grade.  Please contact me via email with any questions or concerns you might have.  
  • 3-ring binder, small (approx. 1/2 - 1 inch)
  • 7 Dividers w/tabs
  • Filler Paper 
  • Colored pencils 
  • Pens (only black or blue) or pencils
  • Optional - Various crafting supplies
Grading:  Your grade will be calculated as a percentage of the number of points you earned out of a possible total number of points.  Assignments will have different point values based on the amount of weight I want each assignment to carry.  Most class assignments assignments will be worth 5-10 points.  Projects and tests will be worth 40-100 points.  Each quarter is worth 40% of your grade and the final exam will constitute the remaining 20%. 
Cell Phones:  Please turn off and put away your cell phones when entering the classroom.  Violation of this policy will result in the confiscation of your cell phone for the remainder of the class period.  If it continues to be an issue, I will notify your parents and refer you to ASK's administration for further consequences.  
ASK Uniform Policy:  Clothing and accessories must be safe and non-distracting or disruptive to the educational    program. The following guidelines will be observed:
Tops (Shirts)    – All scholars must wear an ASK polo shirt, with the ASK logo, purchased from an approved
ASK    vendor. The color of the    ASK polo shirt identifies the scholar with    their selected career pathway.
Polo shirts will not be overly baggy, nor exceedingly tight. Shoulder seams must be at the shoulders, and
shirts cannot hang down below mid-thigh level.
• Middle School – Red or Light Blue
Bottoms (Pants) –
• Allowable pants/slacks of solid color (khaki or black) and should meet our uniform expectations.
They should be of a non-stretch, khaki or similar material.
• No shorts, skorts, skirts, cargo pants (pants with many pockets) are allowed.
• No excessive “sagging” is allowed. Inseam of pants must be where legs and torso join.
• Excessively tight pants such as spandex, yoga pants, leggings, sweat pants or other non-uniform
fabrics are not allowed.
ASK Attendance Policy: It is the responsibility of the scholar to obtain missing assignments upon the return to school after an absence.  Scholars have access to missed notes and assignments online through the Google Classroom.  Scholars must ask for needed copies on the day of their return. 
Any missed test/quiz will be taken no later than 2 days after their return.   For every day that they are absent they have 2 days to make up the work.
In addition to notifying the ASK office, please email me.