Science the week of August 8-11, 2022

Celebrate! 🎉 You made it through your first week of middle school! Let's get rolling with our first unit; The Scientific Method. Here is what's happening this week:
  • What exactly is the Scientific Method and how am I going to use this in real life? New unit details and notes on Monday. Be sure to bring your binder.
  • Tuesday, YOUR FIRST LAB DAY, how exciting!!! Be sure you are prepared with goggles (I have some backups just in case 😉), a lab coat/apron/t-shirt. 
  • Research in Action or RIA- let's brainstorm! What is this all about and how does this connect to my future science fair project. 🔬
  • Hypothesis time scholars....the If and Then of science. Special game day with prizes to wrap up our learning week. 👀
*If you are at home learning, be sure to check Google Classroom for access to your work and any files I have shared that support the content.