Science the week of August 22-25, 2022

The weather is starting to change and hints of fall are in the air. This week, our focus is all about our water purification and conservation experiment, writing that procedure, how to analyze that data, and how to write a solid conclusion using the CER method; claim, evidence. and reasoning.  You got this scholars! 👍
  • Our selected projects need an amazing procedure. It's the step-by-step set of instructions that support your experiment and ensure you collect accurate data. 
  • Time to analyze some data; notes and practice. Plus let's start building our experiment! It's almost go time for our purifying-conserving-solution to current water issues in New Mexico. 
  • Conclusion writing...well, what happened and how do you know? Did the data support or disprove your hypothesis?                                  ASSIGNMENT: Conclusion Writing due 8/24
  • Lab Day #2 on Thursday🥼 Please be prepared with either a lab coat, apron, or old t shirt. Goggles are available, but I encourage you to bring your own.
*If you are at home learning, be sure to check Google Classroom for access to the lesson and any materials each day. Email me or set up some time via Meet if you need more support.