Science the week of November 14-17, 2022

   🎊 Congratulations on the completion of the science fair 6th graders! Excellent job last week and much to celebrate! Our awards ceremony will take place this Thursday during FC, as a scholar-only assembly, we will record it for families. This week, we get back to the norm and continue with our matter unit. No assignments due this week, stay focused during instruction and completed notes are the expectation. 
  • Chemical reactions and types of reactions are a big focus this week: mini labs and demos plus notes for our binder. 
  • Acids & Bases time, let's go deeper on what these are and how to determine the difference. It's PH time! mini lab
  • Changes in Matter- how does temperature factor into changing matter? 
  • Time to talk about DENSITY. Mini lab (no lab gear required).*Hint 🎳
*If you are at home ill, and are feeling up to it, check Google Classroom daily, as all the work and access to what you need is located there. Email and follow up with me should you need additional support.