Ms. Gina Paulson » Posts


   We Built this City Final Project this week and I am so excited! Our Human Impact unit is coming to an end and its time to build a city and apply the concepts we explored about habitat loss, water, light, and noise pollution. We begin the early stages of city planning and end with the BIG build, let's roll. 
  • Plan it Monday: 💡What will you build? The details begin, let the planning commence! Teams will begin to organize and plan their section of the city. It's go time!
  • Develop those ideas: time to make the connections to the impact humans have had on our environment and our wildlife. 
  • Prepare for your build: 👷What role does each person have on your team? Practice the timing and backup plans for your big build. 
  • We Built this City! Time to build the dream! 🏙 Final project due Thursday, May 4th.
***The biggie if you miss class this week, do what you can at home and stay in communication with your team. All grades are updated in Powerschool, please check up and follow through. Time is running out to get your work in.