Samantha Vollmar » English Language Arts 8

English Language Arts 8

Please check Google Classroom daily:


Daily Reading:  Scholars are expected to read 30 minutes a night of an independent reading book (fiction or nonfiction).  Scholars have choices in their books (including fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, comics, anime, etc). Ms.Vollmar has a class library that contains books that range in reading difficulty and maturity. Families, please check in with your scholar about their book choices. If you are uncomfortable with their choice, please let me know and I will work with them to find another appropriate book.


Absences: If you are absent, please check to see what we covered in class, what was assigned, and what was due that day–the responsibility is yours! Make sure to utilize Google classroom, Ms. Vollmar’s email, as well as information from your peers to do so. Communication is KEY.


Homework: Scholars are expected to complete 30 minutes of independent reading each night.

There will be projects and assignments related to this independent reading each quarter. Scholars

will be assigned weekly vocabulary to learn from the books we read together. Some projects will

require homework, but the daily assignment will be the nightly reading. All assignments will be

posted in Google Classroom and in the agenda on our class website.


Project Expectations:

We will be conducting both short and long-term projects in this class. Some of these projects include the Point A/B Project, Book Review Creative Projects, Debates, Mock Trials, etc. Some projects are individual while others will require you to work with a team. You will always be graded individually for the contributions and skills that you demonstrate. 


Late Work: Late work will be accepted up to the end of the grading period. The work will be graded according to the skills rubric for that task in addition to the POP(Planning/Organization/Preparedness) Rubric. If late, the OPP grade will go down and reflect under the OPP scores in Powerschool.


Feedback and Grading: As this is an English class, scholars will be producing short and extended pieces of writing.  When I receive the work, I will provide feedback and the grade as soon as I can.  For shorter pieces of writing, my turnaround time will be within 3-7 days. For longer pieces of writing, my turnaround time will be 1-3 weeks depending on the length of the assignment. Please understand that I am grading over 120 pieces of writing and quality feedback takes time.


Revisions: Students are encouraged to revise their work BEFORE the final due date. If the assignment is turned in on time, you have the option to revise it after you receive your grade and final feedback within a week (please inform Vollmar that you are revising). I will re-grade according to the rubric.


Technology: We will be using Google Classroom. However, very often, we are lucky enough in English courses to be able to take a rare break from tech, and I encourage myself and scholars to take it! :)


Plagiarism: Copying work from another scholar, a website, a book, etc. and passing it off as your own is a serious offense. Use of more than three consecutive words without citation or quotation marks is considered possible plagiarism. The assignment will be entered as a zero in the grade book, a referral will be written, and a phone call or email home will be made.


Use of AI: Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work without giving them credit. This includes using AI tools to generate text that you then claim as your own. In this class, the use of AI tools to generate work is prohibited. If you are caught using AI tools to generate text, you will receive a zero on the assignment. You may also be subject to further disciplinary action. The purpose of this rule is to ensure that students produce original work. AI tools can be very helpful for brainstorming ideas, translating, summarizing, and getting feedback, but they should not be used to replace the hard work of thinking and writing your own thoughts and ideas. If you are unsure whether or not you are allowed to use an AI tool, please ask your me for clarification.


Online Resources: Students are encouraged to regularly use Google Classroom, as well as keep up with updates to Powerschool. Makeup work and assignment files will be on Google Classroom. If the internet is not available at home, students may use the ASK resources on Fridays.



 High School and Middle School Principals will do random Uniform Checks throughout the school year.  Please Refer to page 42 of the Scholar and Parent Handbook for complete Uniform Expectations.  

Freedom of expression, good judgment, respect for others, and safety are the foundations of The ASK Academy's approach towards scholar dress. The Academy requires that all scholars wear a prescribed uniform. Our “Dress for Success” Uniform Policy is meant to improve the learning environment and train scholars to see the importance of making a good first impression to professionals in the fields and careers related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. This uniform policy is mandatory for all scholars. The uniform also serves as an identifier of who should and who should not be on Academy grounds. Clothing and accessories must be safe and non-distracting or disruptive to the educational program. 

The following guidelines will be observed: Tops (Shirts) – All scholars must wear an ASK polo shirt, with the ASK logo, purchased from an approved ASK vendor. The color of the ASK polo shirt identifies the scholar with their selected career pathway.

Polo shirts will not be overly baggy, nor exceedingly tight. Shoulder seams must be at the shoulders, and shirts cannot hang down below mid-thigh level.  

Middle School – Red or Light Blue  

High School –  Biomedical Sciences – Dark Green or Purple 

Engineering and Design – Royal Blue or Burgundy 

Bottoms (Pants) 

Allowable pants/slacks of solid color (khaki or black) and should meet our uniform expectations. They should be of a non-stretch, khaki or similar material. No shorts, skorts, skirts, cargo pants (pants with many pockets) are allowed.  No excessive “sagging” is allowed. The inseam of pants must be where legs and torso join.  Excessively tight pants such as spandex, yoga pants, leggings, joggers or other non-uniform fabrics are not allowed.

Shorts along with open toe-shoes are not allowed due to safety concerns with labs across all grades.

Procedure for Uniform Violations:

-Students will be sent to the front office by Project Manager or Administration.

-Front Office Staff will contact parents of scholars.

-Students will have the option to have parents bring uniforms or will be allowed to look through the closet and be allowed to borrow a uniform.

-Students will be sent back to class.

After the third uniform violation the scholar will receive lunch detention.


For security, the campus gate will not open until 7:30 am (when staff is onsite) and will close at 8:00 am.  If you arrive after the gate has closed, you will need to press the green alarm button to call the office to request access.  Once in the gate, all parents will be required to enter the building and sign in their scholars if late.  Scholars will not be allowed to sign in without a parent or guardian.  


All scholars are required to be in class by 8:00.  If a scholar arrives anytime after 8:00 they will be considered tardy.  

Scholars will receive lunch detention if three tardies are reached.

Please contact The ASK Academy at [email protected] or 505-891-0757 to notify us of your scholar’s absence.