Academic Probation
Academic probation is a program to assist scholars to be successful at The ASK Academy. It includes Friday school, appropriate action plan for scholars, and additional support from mentors and teachers.
Goals for Scholars on Academic Probation:
- Raise grades to earn credits, ensure learning, and graduate high school.
- Develop positive habits to be successful in academic setting.
- Provide support you may need to ensure academic success.
- Prepare you for life!
Academic Warning
A scholar is placed on Academic Warning if, at a progress report or report card marking period, he or she has an NC in two or more of his or her core classes. A letter will be sent to the family explaining the reason for the warning and the scholar will be given an opportunity to raise his or her grades before being put on Academic Probation.
Academic Probation
If a scholar does not improve their NCs while on Academic Warning, they will then be placed on Academic Probation. The purpose of Academic Probation is to scholars with support services when they are demonstrating difficulty achieving the ASK academic standard. This is intended to give notice to the scholar and parent that there is an academic deficiency and the scholar is at risk of not passing the course and not receiving credit (high school courses). Probation is a coordinated effort between home and school to correct the academic deficiency and move forward.
Any 8th-12th grade ASK Academy scholar who has failed two or more core classes (English, Math, Science, History) may be placed on Academic Probation as determined during major marking periods (progress report/report card). Academic Probation will last until the scholar has raised all of his/her core class grades to passing on the next major marking period report. During this time, scholars should focus on earning passing grades (70% or above) in all classes. While on Academic Probation, scholars will be required to attend Friday School from 8:00am-10:00am until NC’s are raised to passing on the next marking period. Scholars should take advantage of FC/CP time to work on assignments and improve basic academic skills (time management, study skills, etc.), make an effort to work with their project managers for class and homework help, and schedule school tutorials if necessary to bring up their grades.
Returning to Good Academic Standing
If, according to the next progress report/report card, the scholar is passing all classes, he or she will be removed from Academic Probation.
Continuing on Academic Probation
If, according to the next progress report/report card, the scholar is still failing two or more core classes, he or she will stay on Academic Probation.
A scholar who continues to be placed on Academic Probation for multiple Semesters may be required to meet with parents/guardians and the Student Services Team to evaluate scholar progress, but this meeting can be requested at any time at the Scholar Services Team’s discretion.
The following is an overview of the Academic Probation process:
Ongoing Expectation: All scholars will email parents grade checks every week and include progress updates. Parents/guardians will have access to Power School grade book to check scholar grades and communicate questions to project managers when necessary. Project Manager communication via email/phone as needed.
Academic Warning: First marking period with 2 or more NC’s in core classes (English, math, science, history) will result in official warning letter sent home with scholar and via email. The warning letter provides scholars with the opportunity to raise grades before being placed on Academic Probation.
Academic Probation: Any marking period after the warning letter that a scholar has 2 or more NC’s in core classes will result in scholar being put on Academic Probation and action plan. Action plans will be created on an individual basis dependent on scholar needs. Academic Probation information packet will be sent home for parent/guardian review and acknowledgement and scholar will begin program immediately. While on Academic Probation, scholars are required to attend Friday School every week from 8:00am to 10:00am. Scholars will meet with Scholar Services Staff on Fridays at 8:00am where they will set goals, track progress, and will follow their action plan during the remainder of tutoring time on Friday. Scholars will be required to follow their action plan during the week and turn in progress tracking sheet each week on Fridays when meeting with Scholar Services Staff.
Removal/Continuance: If, according to the next progress report/report card, the scholar is passing all classes, he or she will be removed from Academic Probation. As long as a scholar keeps their grades in core classes at 70% or above, the scholar will remain off probation. However, if after being removed from probation, the scholar’s grades in their core classes falls below a 70%, the scholar will be put back on probation.
If, according to the next progress report/report card, the scholar is still failing two or more core classes, he or she will stay on Academic Probation.
**If scholar is out of compliance with action plan, contract, and still has NC’s in any of the core classes, the Scholar Services Team reserves the right to call a meeting at any time while the scholar is on Academic Probation with parents/guardians, administration, and support staff to reevaluate the progress of the scholar and discuss the next steps.
Evaluation Review: Two successive semesters that end in Academic Probation will result in a conference with administration to review the following: scholar progress, interventions and supports put in place for the scholar, scholar participation in the interventions and supports, communication with parents, attendance records, discipline records, etc.
It is our desire to give scholars on Academic Probation support and encouragement. Our goal is to see each scholar restored to good academic standing. The appropriate staff person and/or student success team will confer with the scholar and his/her parents/guardians as needed to make recommendations and evaluate the scholar’s progress.